The Tin Can Conservative

A Patriot's Musings on Culture, History, Politics, and Faith

Updates on Future Blog Content

Greetings my Tin Can Conservative audience–or as I like to say the “Tin Can Mafia”.

But in all seriousness, I wanted to share my thoughts on the future of this blog. All the news here is good. I am still looking forward to continuing this blog even after I finish college in December.

I have two potential additions to the Blog’s content in the coming months. So, I will now discuss some content that I hope will further improve the Tin Can Conservative blog/brand!

1. Potential Podcast

I have thought about doing a podcast for the last few years, but I never got around to starting one. Now that I produced content on this blog for nearly a year, I am comfortable with starting a podcast under the Tin Can Conservative Blog umbrella.

I haven’t come up with a definitive title yet. However, I’m thinking of calling something along the lines of the “Retrospective Patriot” podcast. Again, the name isn’t definite. So, I’ll try to think of something in the time being

black headphones on white table

The goal of this podcast will be to discuss topics and ideas that have been forgotten by the American regime, by the American conservative movement, and by American culture. Marriage Markets, Male-Female dynamics, the sad state of American Christianity, the prevalence of porn addiction among American men and many other lesser-discussed topics in conservative media/the broader American culture.

For now, I’m planning for the podcast to be primarily a “one-man show”. Currently, I envision most of the podcast episodes to be just me talking. However, I might bring on an occasional guest just to spice things up a bit.

Another unique aspect of this podcast is that it will be mostly unscripted. I want this podcast to be a truly authentic representation of my thoughts and ideas, so I don

Moreover, I played around with recording a mock-episode the other day, and it ended up going fairy well for my 1st time. Personally, I’m fairly new to audio editing and most tech stuff in general. So, there’s going to be a little bit of a learning curve when I first start my podcast. My microphone for the podcast is well-made, so audio quality shouldn’t be an issue either.

As of now, I do not have a set time frame for when I’ll start producing the podcast. I hope to have the first full episode recorded and published during the week of Thanksgiving, but I will not make any promises.

Nonetheless, I am excited to announce this development to my blog’s audience!

2. Adding A New Writer

For the last 11 months, I have written every single article on this blog. As much I enjoy writing for this blog, I sometimes struggle with consistently posting new blog articles every 4-5 days. Therefore, I am hoping to add another blog writer to fold. Doing so will take the load off a little bit on my end.

This blog’s new contributing writer goes by the Pseudonym “Screw Off Capitalist” (SOC). Just to clarify, SOC is a conservative. His account name is parody of John Doyle’s “Heck Off Commie” YouTube show.

SOC is a Gen-Z conservative who posts political/cultural memes on his Instagram account. In less than a few months, SOC’s Instagram account has garnered a few hundreds followers. In fact, his posts have gained the attention of larger Gen Z conservative influencers such as Vince Dao and John Doyle.

I am thrilled to see what SOC is going to write about on this blog. He will definitely extend the breadth of the topics covered in this blog. Also, make sure to follow SOC on his Instagram account: @screwoffcapitalist

Anyways, thanks for being a loyal reader of this blog. I hope you enjoy the future content that’s coming in soon.