The Tin Can Conservative

A Patriot's Musings on Culture, History, Politics, and Faith

Man, it Feels Good to be a Gangster

You know him, you love him, and he’s your favorite The Daily Wire host. Meet Matt Walsh.

Who is Matt Walsh? Matt Walsh is a conservative writer, speaker, and YouTube show host. He’s also one of the top show hosts on the well-known conservative media outlet–The Daily Wire.

Matt Walsh is also well-known especially for his extremely dry sense of humor. Viewers are always in for treat whenever they tune into Matt Walsh’s thoughts on the news cycle.

What makes Matt Walsh cool is that he doesn’t shy away from controversy. He is one of the few mainstream conservative pundits/show hosts that I still follow because he doesn’t stick to the the pre-approved topics of the Conservative political establishment–e.g. “Socialism is Bad”. “Corporate tax cuts are good”.

Matt Walsh often stokes the anger of the Twitter mob due to his brutally honest opinions. Matt is simply the embodiment of a “dad”. His socially conservative mindset and common-sense approach to life puts him at odds with the current “wokeness” prevalent in American culture.

In essence, Matt Walsh is a “gangster”. I decided to discuss some of my favorite Matt Walsh controversies/moments in the last few years.

The Best of Matt Walsh

1. Matt Walsh Annihilates Kristi Noem

Arguably my favorite Matt Walsh controversy involved the corporate schill known as Kristi Noem. Noem currently serves as the governor of South Dakota.

Back in August, Matt Walsh called out Kristi Noem for vetoing a South Dakota Legislature bill that would’ve prevented Biological males from competing in Female Sports. Without surprise, Noem sided with the Chamber Commerce, caved to corporate interests, and did not defend the citizens of South Dakota.

In his response to Noem’s terrible decisions, Walsh made a valid claim about Noem’s recent superstar status in the conservative movement. He claimed that much of Krisiti Noem’s fame has come from her physical attractiveness. To be completely honest, Noem

Of course, Kristi Noem used an out-of-context Media Matters clip (from Matt Walsh’s show) to call him a “misogynist”. Pathetic.

Even better, Kristi Noem tattled on Matt Walsh by bringing in Matt Walsh’s boss Ben Shapiro into the debacle.

Thankfully, Matt Walsh was not cancelled after speaking the truth here. However, Kristi Noem’s future presidential ambitions essentially evaporated after this controversy. I also included a video of Matt Walsh’s rebuttal to Kristi Noem’s name-calling.

2. Matt Walsh at the Loudon County School Board

Back in September, the Virginia county of Loudon county was making national headlines. The Loudon County Public School Board has made a recent push to institutionalize radically-leftist idea and policies in the county’s public schools.

Parents in the county decided to push back their County’s school board. They protested the usage Critical Race Theory in their children’s school curriculum. Parents also decried a school board resolution that allowed transgender athletes to compete in female sports.

Thankfully, Matt Walsh came in to lend his support. Even though Matt Walsh is not from Virginia, he decided to lend his support by attending a Loudon County School Board Meeting. The School Board didn’t want Matt Walsh to bring national attention to the the School Board hearing.

The Loudon County School Board made up a requirement that you had to be a resident of Loudon county to attend a Loudon County School Board Hearing. He got around this requirement by leasing a home in Loudon County.

Matt Walsh then gave a 60-second speech at a Loudon County School Board hearing in late September. The video below shows Matt Walsh’s brief speech:

In my opinion, Matt Walsh and the Daily Wire made a positive impact in Virginia going into the November election–wherein Republican Glenn Youngkin won the state’s gubernatorial election,

3. Matt Walsh raises money for AOC’s Abuela

This controversy is a guilty pleasure of mine. Back in June 2021, Matt decided to start a GoFundme for AOC’s grandmother in Puerto Rice.

Back then, AOC tweeted about the poor conditions of her grandmother’s house in Puerto Rico. Of course, she blamed Trump for not giving money to Puerto Rice for Hurricane Maria from a few years prior.

Matt Walsh pointed out that AOC never said that he wanted to/tried to help her own grandmother out. So, he created one of the most epic troll campaigns ever by starting a GoFundMe for the house of AOC’s granny. Over $100,000 was raised for AOC’s grandmother. Sadly, AOC’s family did not want the money, and the GoFundMe was cancelled.

Matt Walsh is the freaking man.

4. Matt Walsh Roasts Female Sports Reporter

About a month ago, Matt Walsh pointed out something that all sports fans think: women generally don’t make the best sports reporters/commentators.

In the video below, Matt Walsh called out a female sports reporter who complained about her recent experience at a sporting event.

Per the usual, Matt Walsh invoked the anger of the Twitter mob. Here is a video of Matt’s response to the Internet mob:

Extra: Matt Walsh Rap Reviews

To close this post, I decided to include a list of favorite genre of Matt Walsh’s videos: his Rap Reviews.