The Tin Can Conservative

A Patriot's Musings on Culture, History, Politics, and Faith

How We Got Here

This past Tuesday, the TCU Chapter of Turning Point USA (TP USA) hosted its first speaker event of the semester. Before I discuss the event, I’ll provide a little bit of background about my chapter.

Even though the TCU TP USA chapter is about a year old, TCU restricted clubs from hosting events on-campus last school-year–due to the *Pandemic*. My TP USA chapter was unable to host speaker events and social outings on an official basis “Zoom Events” were not cutting it. It didn’t help the most people were burned out from politics after the 2020 election fiasco. Consequently, most TCU Students were unaware that TCU even had a TP USA chapter going into this Fall (2021). That’s changing.

Certainly, this speaker event was a landmark event in the TCU chapter’s history! It was our first major on-campus event for students and community members alike. In fact, over 120 people attended last week’s speaker event.

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Lots of hard work, time, and effort went into planning and hosting this event. So, I want to thank all of the volunteers, the TCU TP USA executive board, our TP USA Field Rep, the attendees, and the event’s three speakers for making this event go smoothly! It was truly a memorable night, and I hope you enjoy my write-up about the event.

The Event Itself

The topic of Tuesday night’s event was titled “The Modern Feminism Effect”. The three speakers for this event–Alex Clark, Isabel Brown, and Lily Kate–all discussed the issues associated with modern feminism.

Our first speaker was TP USA Ambassador Lily Kate. She is an up-and-coming Gen Z conservative influencer from Texas. Lily has many platforms where she spreads her conservative, pro-life, and pro-feminine views to younger Americans–such as her Podcast, her Christian ministry, and her social media.

In her talk, Lily started off talking about the history of American feminism and the definitions of sex and gender.

Generally speaking, there have been three waves of feminism in American history. We are currently living in the 3rd wave of the American feminist movement. What started out as a movement about political equality, Modern 3rd-wave feminism has devolved into an anti-male, anti-biology, and anti-family movement.

Lily then carried the discussion to what 3rd-wave feminism is doing: it’s making women miserable. Modern Feminism perpetuates the lies that femininity is not enough to succeed in life and that men are the cause of all of life’s problems.

Thankfully, she gave a solid solution to fighting toxic Radical Feminism–by promoting Radical Femininity. That’s the message that young women need to hear. Young American girls don’t need to hear the lies perpetrated by unhappy, miserable feminists and from the American media-entertainment industrial complex. They need to hear embrace their feminine nature and their desire to have families.

At the end of the day, we need to become the men and women God has called us to be–to be good, godly fathers/husbands and wives/mothers.

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Photo from the event

Our next two speakers for the event were Alex Clark and Isabel Brown. Both ladies are contributors for Turning Point USA and often speak at TP USA Conferences/events. They also produce a variety of content on social media, podcasts, and news media platforms.

Alex Clark’s primary niche is to provide pop-culture news “without the propaganda” to younger women. She also discusses dating and relationship topics. She does so through her daily show Poplitics and weekly podcast The Spillover. Fun fact: her show Poplitics is apparently the 1st-ever conservative-leaning pop-culture show in the media.

Now, pop culture stuff is not my cup of tea, but there’s need for a conservative voice on that stuff nonetheless. Furthermore, Alex proudly coined the term “Cute-servative”–a combo of words “cute” and “conservative”.

For the record, I do not identify as a “Cute-servative”. I’m more of a “dude-servative”.

Isabel Brown has made many numerous appearances on conservative media outlets–from Prager U to TP USA and Fox News to Newsmax. She also recently released her 1st-ever book: Frontlines: Finding My Voice on an American College Campus. So, I would check it out if you’re looking for an inside-look into the rampant leftism on American college campuses.

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After Lily Kate’s speech, Alex Clark and Isabel Brown gave a joint speech. They’re friends with each other, so they leveraged their chemistry to make their joint speech highly entertaining.

To start, Alex and Isabel both discussed their personal paths to working for TP USA. I was thoroughly impressed and inspired by all the work they put into achieving their desired goals. Neither of them started off with connections or name recognition within the conservative movement. Instead, their talent and hard work got them to where they are today–as some of most influential young conservatives in America today.

For the rest of their talk, Alex and Isabel focused on the ills of modern feminism. They made it clear that modern feminism longer has anything to do with women and femininity. It is now just a tool of the Marxist, political left. Just look at the current reality: modern feminism cares more about supporting abortion and transgenderism than about helping women have thriving families.

Both ladies brought up some informative points, and I’ll admit that I learned a bit along the way. Even though this event was marketed as being more-female oriented, I still think everyone in attendance got something out of hearing the event’s three speakers.

An Extra Tidbit: “Making Dating Great Again”

After Alex and Isabel finished their talk, they allowed the audience to ask them questions.. The questions in this Q&A were pretty decent, but I was thinking that I should ask a spicier question.

For the final question of the Q&A, I raised my hand to ask a question. Looking into the audience, Alex Clark noticed my sharp attire, and called on me to ask a question. Well, she actually said “let’s have the ‘Purple-tie guy’ ask a question”.

I will probably never live down that nickname, but I’ve been called worse. I digress. The picture below is from the Q&A.

I started off by mentioning that I wanted to ask a question about dating. The energy in the crowd turned up a bit after I said that.

Before I asked my question, I gave a little background about dating culture for Gen Z. I flat-out stated that “dating is a wasteland” for my fellow “Zoomers”. Dating used to be cool in the time of my grandparents, but now it’s not.

Here was my question for Alex and Isabel: How do we Make Dating Great Again?!

The audience–many of whom I knew–were quite surprised. Lots of surprised laughter ensued from my question.

Alex started with saying that “Make Dating Great Again” (MDGA) will be my new podcast. I coined term, so I might have to trademark it before anyone else capitalizes on that slogan.

But seriously, Alex and Isabel gave their opinions on ways to improve the dating market for conservative, marriage-minded young Americans. Isabel maintained that we–Gen Z’ers–should delete dating apps. That’s definitely a good start to fixing modern dating..

*Side note: Dating apps are cringe. You can read about my thoughts on dating apps in an older post on this blog.*

Of course, Alex Clark had to troll me a little bit for my question. She asked me if I was single. I replied with a sheepish “yes”, and then she announced to the whole crowd that I was single. Lots of laughter ensured again.

I don’t think I had ever blushed that much in my life. I was not expecting to get shown up in front of a crowd of 100+ people. Clearly, it happens to the best of us haha.

Overall, last Tuesday’s speaker event went better than I could have ever imagined. Thanks again to Alex Clark, Isabel Brown, Lily Kate, our TP USA crew (including our chapter President Reagan Gates), our chapter’s field Rep Nikkelle, and everyone-in-between for making this event truly memorable!

I hope you enjoyed this longer post, and stay classy!

-Tin Can Conservative