The Tin Can Conservative

A Patriot's Musings on Culture, History, Politics, and Faith

Recently, I attended a Turning Point USA conference–the 2022 Student Action Summit (SAS)–in Tampa, Florida. Pretty soon, I will write a full post about my experience at SAS. But for now, I will write about one of the coolest parts of my trip to SAS: my first ever political interview.

On the second day of the conference, two Fox News reporters approached me in the Convention center about doing an interview. Little did I know that my interview would actually end up on the front page of the Fox News website, on the Fox News YouTube channel, and the Fox News TV channel.

The Fox News reporters told me that they were asking conference attendees for their thoughts on the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. For context, one of the main topics surrounding this conference was about who will lead the Republican party and who will become the leading Republican presidential candidate in 2024. So, I agreed to this interview in order to share my thoughts on this topic.

Once I agreed to the interview, the Fox News interviewer asked me about whom I would support in 2024 for President. Of course, I decisively answered with “President Donald J. Trump”. Now, my answer was a bit more nuanced. In my response, I talked in detail about how Trump is truly the only 2024 presidential candidate whom the Republican establishment cannot control. Moreover, the Fox News article that I appeared in shared this quote from my brief interview:

“Donald Trump, of course, the man himself. He created the MAGA movement, and he deserves to be our leader,” Nathan Koenig of Louisiana said. “He really shook up the swamp and no one else in the Republican Party can do that the way he did.”

Trump shook up the swamp.

If you haven’t figured out by now, I fully endorse President Trump for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2024. Trump is the kingmaker of the Republican Party and the leader of the America First movement. Those facts are undeniable. Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Ted Cruz, or any other potential Republican presidential candidate in ’24 cannot match Trump’s energy, charisma, and ability to fight both the Radical Left and the Republican establishment.

At this point, you can probably tell that I am still on “cloud nine” from this interview. I never dreamed that I would have gotten to publicly share my support of President Trump on a major platform like Fox News. I am honored that I was able to speak out and show my support for President Donald Trump to hundreds of thousands of people across the nation–through this Fox News interview.

Most of all, I thank God for this opportunity to give my first ever political interview. Without a doubt, this experience was one of my favorite moments at the 2022 Student Action Summit.

Additionally, I decided to include the link to the Fox News YouTube video of my brief interview. What’s wild is that this video has received over 300 thousand views in the first two days after the video’s upload. You could say that this interview was my “seconds of fame”, but I like to this that this interview will be the first of many in the years to come.

To note, this video only included part of my interview that I gave with Fox News. But on the bright side, I was the first person who appeared in this YouTube video. So, I am just glad that I made it in the video.