The Tin Can Conservative

A Patriot's Musings on Culture, History, Politics, and Faith

Pumped for White Boy Summer

It’s official. I have declared the Summer of 2022 as “White Boy Summer 2.0”. Let’s hope that this political meme will live on for years to come!

So then, how did this political meme originate?

Last year, actor Chet Hanks (son of Tom Hanks) went on Social Media and predicted that the Summer of 2021 was going to be a “White Boy Summer”. His Instagram video went viral, and thus the meme/concept of “White Boy Summer” was born.

For those who are unfamiliar with the lore, the term “White Boy Summer” is a play on the phrase “Hot Girl Summer”. In the Summer of 2019, the degenerate rapper Meg Thee Stallion released a song called “Hot Girl Summer” that basically encouraged young women to be promiscuous and debaucherous.

As you can guess, many people on social media and in the news media could not even handle the phrase “White Boy Summer” (WBS). The word “white” itself has gained such a negative connation in American culture that people will attack you for making a meme about being white.

For the past several decades, our culture has conditioned people to hold a disliking toward White guys–from the education system to the entertainment industry and everything else in-between. Movies, commercials, and television shows have constantly portrayed White guys as lame/unathletic at best and malevolent/corrupt at worst.

The “White Boy Summer” meme was never really a race-based thing to begin with. Instead, it’s more of a guy thing. At its core, “White Boy Summer” is mainly a call to be Traditionally Masculine. Since the meme’s inception, mostly young conservative guys embraced WBS as a call to oppose the current American regime. While last summer was the inaugural White Boy Summer, let’s make sure that the Summer of 2022 will also be an epic White Boy Summer.

Now, you’re probably wondering “how can I enjoy White Boy Summer?” I’m glad you asked. The next part of this post will list some of the Rules for “White Boy Summer”. Just remember, WBS is mainly about having fun and just being a good dude.

Rules for WBS

To enjoy White Boy Summer, here are some rules of some things you need to do. Most of these rules come from one of John Doyle’s YouTube videos, so tha’s how you know it’s legit!

1 Wear one of these types of sunglasses: Pit Vipers, Wayfarers, or Clubmaster’s

2. Climb something you’re not supposed to climb

3. Go without Internet and TV for 24 hours

4. Go on a Boat ride

5. Watch the sunrise with a cup of Black Coffee

6. Read a Controversial Book

7. Gaslight a Woman

8. Do Something Kind for a Husky Teenage dude

To close this post, I wanted to share a few pieces of media that should get you into the “White Boy Summer” spirit. The first is a John Doyle video, and the second is a Spotify playlist.

In August 2021, John Doyle released a masterful video about White Boy Summer. It’s honestly one of my favorite videos from John Doyle’s YouTube channel, so I definitely recommend giving it a watch.

Secondly, here’s a Spotify playlist for White Boy Summer. The legend Nick Fuentes created a WBS playlist last summer, but Spotify banned it. Big Sad. So, this playlist will suffice as a solid substitute.