The Tin Can Conservative

A Patriot's Musings on Culture, History, Politics, and Faith

Americans, not Illegals First

If you didn’t know, the United States has a massive immigration problem. Millions of illegal aliens break into our country–in complete disregard of American law.

Here’s the picture. Each year, thousands of Americans are murdered by illegal aliens. Hundreds of thousands of illegals crowd our prisons, and illegal workers suppress the wages of working-class native-born Americans. Simply put, mass immigration does not serve the needs of ordinary Americans.

With all of those issues in mind, the American people deserve to know how many illegal aliens live in the United States. It’s definitely a valid question. Nevertheless, you’re not going to hear the mainstream media talk about how many illegals are in the US. This number is hidden from the American consciousness

Well, the official narrative concerning the number of illegals in the US is questionable. So, let’s dive into the topic.

An Open Secret

In 2018, the Department of Homeland Security estimated that 11.4 million illegal aliens reside in the United States. That’s a larger amount that the entire populations most US states–including Georgia, Michigan, and North Carolina.

But when you look further into the data, you would recognize that something is off. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) didn’t change its estimate of the amount of illegal immigrants between 2015 and 2018. That seems strange. I personally find it unlikely that the number of illegal immigrants didn’t increase in a three year span, but I digress. It’s honestly tough to find good information about illegal immigration in the late-2010s.

What’s more, I did some research and found even more confusing stats.

In 2005, the Pew Research Center estimated that 11 million illegals lived in the United States. About a decade later, Pew reported that the amount of illegals aliens in the US actually decreased to about 10 million in 2017. That reporting seems even sketchier than the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

By this point, it’s pretty easy to figure out that no one really knows how many illegals are in the United States. I don’t buy that there are less illegal immigrants living in the US than a decade prior. That assumption just doesn’t line up with the on-the-ground reality at the US Southern border.

Even then-DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen basically stated that we don’t know how many illegals aliens reside in the US–during a 2019 appearance on the Tucker Carlson Show.

What’s truly alarming is that there are likely way more illegals in the US than we’ve been led to believe previously. In 2018, MIT researchers used mathematical models to estimate that around 22 million illegals reside in the USA. Their research model ran over a million simulations, and the high-end estimate for illegals in the US was about 29 million and 16 million was the low-end.

Now all that info might be a mouthful, but there’s still an important takeaway to get here. The simple fact is that the American regime has hid the truth from the American people.

Just remember: the US Federal Government is tasked with protecting our country and with enforcing immigration law. That’s not happening at the moment. We deserve a country and leaders who will take seriously the issue of illegal immigration.

No one really knows how many illegal immigrants are in the US, and the Federal government has no interest in figuring out what that number is. In fact, the American regime wants no discussion about this issue. The invasion of country is

Our nation is being invaded, and the American ruling class doesn’t want you to know about it.

America is our nation. America is our home. I want to keep it that way, and so should you. America won’t stay our home if tens of millions of illegal aliens are allowed into our homeland.