The Tin Can Conservative

A Patriot's Musings on Culture, History, Politics, and Faith

My Thinking

Recently, I decided to send a handwritten letter to one of my personal heroes: Patrick J. Buchanan (PJB).

PJB is a longtime conservative political commentator and writer. He also ran for the Presidency multiple times: including in 1992, 1996, and 2000.

I enjoy writing letters to my friends and family. So, I thought that I might as well write to my favorite political figure.

Wait, how did I figure out where I should send my letter to? Good question, dear listener.

Thankfully, I found the official Patrick J. Buchanan website on Internet a while back, and this website allows for PJB fans to send him a letter. So, that’s the way I was able to send him a letter.

Now, I don’t know if I’ll receive a response from Buchanan (though I would be down for that). Still, I just wanted to share my gratitude for Patrick J. Buchanan’s work.

With that, I will now share my recent letter to Mr. Patrick J. Buchanan.

The Letter Itself

“Dear Mr. Buchanan,

My name is Nathan Koenig. I am a young man and recent college graduate from the New Orleans area. That being said, I just wanted to thank you for all of the work you’ve done over the years to put America First! Your books and articles have changed my life in the last year, and I have become a staunch proponent of paleo-conservatism as a result. More specifically, reading Death of the West heavily influenced my understanding of conservatism and my poltical philosophy as a whole.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that your work is shaping the next generation of young conservative politicians and activists. In fact, I’ve gotten several friends and family members of mine to read your books. It’s truly an exciting development–that I’ve personally seen–to see younger conservatives leaning more toward paleo-conservatism and America First ideas.

In short, I just want to thank you for having such a positive impact in my life. May Christ bless you in all that you do.

-Nathan Koenig”