The Tin Can Conservative

A Patriot's Musings on Culture, History, Politics, and Faith

It’s been a great ride, my fellow deplorables. But alas, all good things must come to an end. President Trump’s term as President ended on January 20th, 2021. Two weeks have now passed since he left office. So, I thought now would be a good time to say show my appreciation. As an avid supporter of President Trump, seeing him leave office was a rather melancholy sight. Nevertheless, I am so grateful that I was able to witness and vote for a truly historic and transformational president. Not since Ronald Reagan has the United States had such a remarkable conservative as our President.

Of course, President Trump was hated by many. Even with the tens of millions of people that loathed him, he was beloved by millions of ordinary Americans who felt disenfranchised by the political ruling class of both parties.

Why I will miss Trump

Sure, he may have been the funniest President in US History. He made us laugh at the absurdities of modern American politics, called out the mainstream media’s overt bias, and pulled off one of the most unlikely Presidential election upsets ever in 2016. With all of that being said, there is one aspect of president Trump that I will miss most: how he spoke directly to ordinary Americans. He spoke to the people in a way that no over modern American politician has ever done. Look at Trump’s famed MAGA rallies. Tens of thousands of people would travel to see this one man speak about the daily problems that Americans face. Job uncertainty, competition from China, and rising medication prices weren’t topics that politicians talked about before Trump. He rejected political correctness. He just didn’t care. Instead, President Trump focused on what working and middle class American cared about—not what the news media and think-tanks think that matters. Truly, he was one of us—the everyday, hard-working patriots that make this country function.

Most other politicians have to pretend like they care about you and me every time elections roll around. “I’m one of you guys!” exclaims Elizabeth Warren as she awkwardly drinks a bottle of Michelob Ultra. “Look, I like corn dogs too!” says every single presidential hopeful at the Iowa State Fair.

Trump was different. He was authentic; he didn’t play politics to get people’s votes; he put everything out there and was a straight-shooter from Day 1.

Remember, President Trump wasn’t a politician. He was a savvy real estate developer in New York City. Wait a minute, wasn’t he a super-wealthy billionaire? Why does he appeal to many working-class Americans and small-business owners? Yes, Donald J. Trump was immensely wealthy before becoming President. However, he did not fit in with the Lobbyists on K-Street (look it up, it’s a thing), the Wall Street investment bankers, or the typical college professor. The elitist circles in New York City and America never truly accepted Trump for whom is—a hardscrabble guy from Queens with a colorful vocabulary, a knack for witty insults, and an affinity for fast food. In 2007, Trump wrestled WWE-founder Vince McMahon in WrestleMania. Plainly put, the man had more in a common with a Midwestern truck driver than with any member of America’s professional business class.

President Trump is not a perfect person by any means. He is a flawed human being just like the rest of us. Nevertheless, he has inspired myself and millions of other patriotic Americans to want what’s best for our country. No more do we have to feel disenfranchised by a broken system that rewards the well-connected and those working in Silicon Valley or Washington D.C. Instead, we can now expect our leaders to put our country first.

So many seemingly-unsolvable problems were allowed to fester in our country before Trump took office. Illegal immigration from Central America, the “Forever Wars” in the Middle East, the offshoring of Middle America’s jobs, opioid addiction in rural America, and an unaccountable government bureaucracy were just some of the many issues facing this country. President Trump helped take care of them all! For that alone, we owe him a debt of gratitude.

I will miss you, President Trump. So many others will too. Thank you, Mr. President, for everything you did for this country! You will forever have my respect and admiration. May God Bless you and your family.

In short, I hope that this post showed just how much I appreciate Trump’s public service. Even though he will likely never read this blog, writing this post was the least I could do for a man who sacrificed his image, money, and time for this nation.

-The Tin Can Conservative

2 P.S.’s:

-Here is an excerpt from the Tucker Carlson Tonight show that sums up Donald Trump’s appeal:

“They love Donald Trump because no one else loves them. The country they built, the country their ancestors fought for over hundreds of years, has left them to die in unfashionable little towns, mocked and despised by the sneering halfwits with finance degrees — but no actual skills — who seem to run everything all of a sudden. Whatever Donald Trump’s faults, he is better than the rest of the people in charge. At least he doesn’t hate them for their weakness. Donald Trump, in other words, is and has always been a living indictment of the people who run this country. That was true four years ago when he came out of nowhere to win the presidency. And it’s every bit as true right now, maybe even more true than it’s ever been. It will remain true regardless of whether Donald Trump wins reelection.”

-One more note, President Trump gave a commencement address to Liberty University back in 2017. Here are some parts from his speech that fire me up:

“If I give you one message to hold in your hearts today, it’s this: Never, ever give up … Treat the word “impossible” as nothing more than motivation … The more that a broken system tells you that you’re wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead, you must keep pushing forward.”

Transcript for the entire speech: