The Tin Can Conservative

A Patriot's Musings on Culture, History, Politics, and Faith

Some Background

Last month, the Jefferson Parish School Board (JPSB) voted to potentially expand the School Board from its current 9 District map to a new eleven District map. This move would increase the number of Democrat/minority-majority districts on the School Board. Based on the proposed expanded District maps, this potential move would ensure at least one additional Democrat to the Board.

There are currently seven Republicans on the nine seat School Board. Three of the seven Republicans voted in favor of expanding the School Board. Such a disappointment.

Personally, I am so sick of being let down by my Republican leaders.

I am tired of hearing excuses. I am tired of betrayed by my political leaders. I am tired of losing.

The Republican/conservative voters of Jefferson Parish deserve a better class of politician.

A Call to Action

Thankfully, there is still some time/a chance to stop the School Board from expanding/adding additional Democrat School Board members.

On Wednesday, June 1st, the JPSB will vote on which District Map to incorporate for the Fall 2022 School Board elections. The Board will choose one map from the four available alternatives: the current nine-District map or one of the three 11-District maps. Here is a link to the view the four potential maps.

If you are available on June 1st, then please consider attending the June 1st School Board meeting. I am hoping to bring several NOLA Young Republicans to the meeting so that we can voice our opposition to the School Board expansion.

Here is the address of the upcoming School Board meeting: 501 Manhattan Blvd, Harvey, LA 70058

love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man

Regardless of whether you can attend the School Board meeting, I ask that you would provide some feedback to the JP School Board about the Redistricting process. There are two ways you can do this.

First, fill out this Google Doc form on the JP School Board website. If you live in Jefferson Parish, then fill out this form so that the School Board members can read your thoughts on Redistricting. On the form, I would recommend just simply state that you oppose the expansion of the School Board & want to keep the current School Board map.

Second, send an email to each of the 3 Republicans on the JPSB who currently favor the School Board expansion. Ask them to consider changing their minds and to not allow more Democrats to join the School Board. I included their contact information below.

1. Billy North (District 7)


2. Diane Schnell (District 6)


3. Tiffany Higgins-Kuhn (District 3)


I know this post is a little different compared to the normal content I post; however, I want to encourage young America First conservatives to get involved in local politics “IRL” (“in real life”).

Complaining about political issues online means very little if we don’t back it up with action. So, let’s all take a stand because it’s up to us to save our nation/communities.